Daily Occurrence Log

Daily Occurrence Log

Monitor incidents as they occur to maintain complete control

Computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems are utilized by dispatchers, call-centers, and 911 operators to prioritize and record incident calls, identify the status and location of responders in the field, and effectively dispatch responder personnel.

Improve process between officers and dispatchers

The daily occurrence log (DOL) module is effectively two logs in one, namely, logs of expected and unexpected activities. The day’s expected activities can be entered days or even hours before they occurs. Email messages can be automatically sent to employees notifying them of an event that is occurring. This helps to ensure no surprises occur for those in charge. In case of an emergency, appropriate instructions appear on screen, which must be executed swiftly to clear the emergency. Speed keys can be used to enter occurrences as they happen, with the ability to add freehand details of the occurrence as needed.


Automatic email notifications can be sent for advance notifications and real-time emails and messages concerning “live” activities.

Alarm events

Alarms can be created to handle both timed/scheduled alarm activities and live/real-time alarm events when integrated with third-party systems.


The visual dashboard displays the visitors in facility, attendance count by facility, monthly attendance statistics and previous monthly comparison.

Emergency procedures

A list of activities will be displayed for each type of emergency that needs to be handled.

All features

Occurrences are date time stamped

Pass over log integration

Equipment/key issuance

Color coded activities

Daliy activities log integration

Ability to include attachments to log entries

Security escort requests

Multilingual display

Audit log of all entries

Emergency call lists

Cascading menus for localization information

Automatic sequential numbering of occurrences

Unlimited number of characters of occurrence details


