Threat Risk Assessment

Identify critical threats and risks
The threat and risk assessment module is designed to identify threats and determine your risk of threats happening. As a fully integrated solution, Site-Secures can help you leverage information directly from entries made in other SiteSecure modules. SiteSecure helps to reduce threats, adhere to organization policies, ensure departmental designations, and ensure that classified information and other assets are safeguarded.
Provide expert security opinions

Automatic email notifications and response assessments can be easily evaluated.
iForms questionnaire
Forms-based TRA questionnaire facilitates on-site/remote processing.
Complete integrations into SiteSecure’s other modules for data gathering and analyses.
The visual dashboard displays the visitors in facility, attendance count by facility, monthly attendance statistics and previous monthly comparison.
All features
Qualitative and quantitative assessments
Customized questionnaire for each type of assessment
Fully integrates with SiteSecure modules
All transactions are audited
Automatic email notifications for assessment reminders, follow up, interviews, etc.
Visual dashboard of assessment statistics

Yes. Site-Secure can automate this process to ensure assessments are performed on time.
Site-Secure follows HTRA and FEMA risk scores.
Yes. Attachments, documents reviewed, and people interviewed can all be accessed.
Site-Secure leverages the trouble call system for this. It provides automation capabilities for follow-ups, costs, contract numbers, labour information, etc.
